Sunday, February 16, 2014

Superdog Alert!

I was awakened by loud barkings last Valentine's day!
Woof, wazzup?!

And without blinking I rushed out of my house
all my furs tousled from sleep!

What's up, Brawny?

This is Brawny:
He is a stray dog who sneaks his way in and out 
of my neighbor Dawgy's house.
He stays there so he can be fed.

Dawgy and her pup Whitey
barks out loud 
every time Brawny goes out!
But Brawny was barking at our house.

What's up guys?

For more than a week before Valentines day
Dawgy, Whitey and Brawny are sad
because their keeper is sick
and is in the hospital
leaving them on their own.

Of course, my humans feed them regularly.
Even when their keeper is home
my hoomans feed them just the same.

But on Valentine's day
their keeper died of cancer . . .
This is the reason why they are barking.

Hey Luchie!
Woof! Dawgy's keeper died!

Luchie said she sent Keeper over to help clean the house
and style it for burial.

Style it?
They style the house for burial?

Keeper came back tired and dusty. . . 
Keeper said we need to help our neighbor now
because they are in grief
and they need our help.

Oh I hope Dawgy, Whitey and Brawny will be OK . . .

Keeper fed and assured them
that we will take care of them.

I worry every time Keeper would cross the street
to check if our neighbor need anything.

I worry because I hear Brawny crying . . .
and when I do
I can not sleep.

Please pray for my neighbor.


  1. Oh no.
    I am so sorry, Sweetheart.
    This is so sad.
    Dawgy, Whitey and Brawny will need you now.
    I am glad that you are there.
    Sending you lots of big hugs.


  2. Oh, sweet Sweepy - you have a huge heart. And so do Lui and Luchie. Your neighbor and her dogs are very fortunate to have you nearby to help and watch over them, I will pray that everyone will get through this hard time and be happy again.
